The Ultimate Listener’s Guide. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT.

Hello everyone.  This is a “public service announcement” to try to get the latest information I have about the delays in the USA out to as many fans who might have ordered The Ultimate Listener’s Guide as possible.

The book was intended to be published in hardback only. They are printed on demand – one copy at a time. In the UK and Europe, that has happened as it should, and there are no problems. In the USA, however, Amazon have an issue with their printer of hardbacks, and the delay I was told was 3-4 weeks delivery. That four weeks is now nearly up, and most people who ordered in the US have no book. I was told by a refreshingly candid assistant at the weekend that Amazon had “not been completely truthful” with the extent of the delays. This has caused a mess. Luckily, no-one pays for their items on Amazon until the book is dispatched, but that doesn’t help in getting the book, and I know these kinds of issues are frustrating.

So, I have taken the decision to release the book in paperback as well. I was hoping to get this published by Christmas Day, but I’ve been ill all week, and it will now be the very beginning of the new year. So, if you are in the USA and have ordered the new edition of the book, you have three choices open to you:

1.) Wait until Amazon finally get the hardback out to you.

2.) Hold on until the paperback is released, and, at that point, cancel your hardback order if it hasn’t been dispatched, and then buy (or not buy!) the paperback.

3.) Cancel your hardback now, and buy the paperback when it comes out.

There will be no delays in getting the paperback. They are unaffected by the current issues. Obviously, the paperback will be a bit cheaper for you, too, and it should be available in Australia. I could have coped with all of this better if the problem was caused by something I’d done, but it’s completely out of my hands. Even so, I am really sorry if you have been affected by the delays. There are no delays on Amazon in the UK and Europe with regards to the hardbacks – but shipping to the US obviously adds a not insignificant amount to the price for you.

I will make a further announcement about the “relaunch” in due course. 

2 thoughts on “The Ultimate Listener’s Guide. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT.

  1. Hi Shane,
    Many thanks for the update. I am still hoping to get the hardback version. However, if it is not sent by the time the paperback version is ready I will cancel the hardback and order the paperback.
    A friend, that I advised of your efforts, has received the book with an acknowledgement that you have given me . Many thanks in advance for the compliment. Hope you are feeling better in order to have a joyous holiday.


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